Seminary Scholarships

Friends of Katanga Methodist University’s initial purpose was to provide scholarships for Seminary Students in the School of Theology. With over 2,000,000 members of the Methodist Church in Katanga providence and 90% of the pastors in the DRC trained here KMU has been very successful in filling the needs of the Methodist community in DRC through the school of theology, but struggles with its ability to provide scholarships for those students who are unable to afford it. Tuition plus room and board is approximately $3000 US per year. Our goal in this area is to provide funding for 10 students per year or $30,000 US. 

Exchange Student Endowment

Board member Ed Long has established an endowment at Oklahoma State University which provides $5,500 in funding annually to support Katanga Methodist University students wanting to study at Oklahoma State University or Oklahoma State University students wanting study at Katanga Methodist University. Cedrick Shili is the current recipient of this scholarship.

Agricultural Projects

Friends of KMU continues to look for opportunities to assist in land acquisition and self-sustaining agricultural projects to provide additional educational opportunities and assist in financial support for KMU.